Using Anvi’o to Knit Everything Together

Now we are going bring it all together and visuzlize our assembly with Anvi’o. Anvi’o is a powerful and extensible tool that might be easily applied to pan-genomic analysis as well as metagenomic analysis. The anvi’o group has a series of fantstic online tutorials, including one on metagenomic analysis. They also run workshops periodically (schedule here) that throughly cover the use of the software.

Today, we are adapting their tutorial on metagenomic analysis to work with the subset dataset that we have.

The goals of this tutorial are to:

  • Install anvi’o
  • Become familiar with the anvi’o workflow
  • Visualizing the assembly with anvi’o
  • Become familiar with the anvi’o interface
  • Learn how to refine and visuzlize genome bins with anvi’o

Installing anvi’o (and a few other programs)

The first thing we need to do is install anvi’o. To install anvi’o we will be be using Anaconda.

cd ~

Now, follow the prompts for the Anaconda installation. To finish the install it will ask you if you would like to add anaconda to the $PATH in you .bashrc. You should say yes. Now, you just need to source your .bashrc to make sure you can use conda.

source .bashrc

Anaconda should now be installed. We will now use anaconda (conda) to install anvi’o (and all its dependencies) as well as source an environment in which to to run conda.

Now, install anvi’o using conda, create an environment in which to run it, and source the environment:

conda create -n anvio232 -c bioconda -c conda-forge gsl anvio=2.3.2
source activate anvio232

Anvi’o should now be installed. But, let’s double check that it worked. They have a nice little test case to check that everything is working well as follows:

anvi-self-test --suite mini

This prompt will start anvi’o processing and ultimately it will generate an interactive window with the anvi’o environment. This is accessible through port 8080 (typically, though it might create go to a different port that will be specified) at your ec2 machine address.

Now, open a new tab in your browser (NOTE: This only works in Google Chrome) and paste in the following:

[Your EC Address]:8080

This should open up the anvi’o interface which is interactive and pretty good looking.

Now, we just need to install a few other programs, namely, samtools and Bowtie2, which we will use for mapping and looking at our mapped data.


echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bowtie2-2.3.2' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get -y install samtools

Alright, now onto a complete re-analysis of our data with the anvi’o pipeline.

Getting it into Anvi’o format

Anvi’o takes in 1) an assembly and 2) the raw read data. We have both of those already created, so let’s go ahead and download those data (trimmed reads and asssemblies):

mkdir ~/anvio-work
cd ~/anvio-work

curl -O
curl -O
curl -O

And, gunzip those files:

for file in *gz
    gunzip $file

We now need to get our assembly into the correct format so that anvi’o interpret it.

anvi-script-reformat-fasta subset_assembly.fa -o anvio-contigs.fa --min-len 2000 --simplify-names --report name_conversions.txt

Take a look at the output files. What has changed?

Mapping data

We need to map our reads to our anvi’o corrected assembly. This is going to take a little bit of time. First, build the an index for bowtie2:

bowtie2-build anvio-contigs.fa anvio-contigs

We can write a for loop to map our two datasets and produce .bam files for the files:

for file in *fq
    bowtie2 --threads 8 -x anvio-contigs --interleaved $file -S ${file/.fq/}.sam
    samtools view -U 4 -bS ${file/.fq/}.sam > ${file/.fq/}.bam

As above, we need to make these data readable for anvi’o:

for file in *.bam
    anvi-init-bam ${file} -o ${file/.bam/}.anvio.bam

Generating contigs database

In this step we are asking anvi’o to create a database with information about your contigs. The contig database is fairly extensible and can contain lots of different information (taxonomic, functional, etc.). Here, we are primarily asking it to do three things:

  1. ‘Soft split’ long contigs (>20k): Anvi’o shows the generalized statistics for each contig (GC content, etc.). For long contigs these stats are calculated across split contigs (which remain grouped)
  2. Identify and locate open reading frames in your contigs (using Prodigal)
  3. Estimate Single Copy Gene content (using hmmer against defined gene sets for bacteria and archaea)
  4. Calculate k-mer frequencies for the contigs in our assemblies

So, run the following command to generate the database:

anvi-gen-contigs-database -f anvio-contigs.fa -o anvio-contigs.db

Then, run this command to perform the hmm search and identify single copy gene content:

anvi-run-hmms -c anvio-contigs.db --num-threads 28

Now, we can layer on the coverge information from our two samples:

for file in *.anvio.bam
    anvi-profile -i $file -c anvio-contigs.db -T 28


And finally, we run the merge step. This will pull all the information together and create a merged anvi’o profile. This step will also run CONCOCT (another binning algorithm) that will identify bins in our data. Finally, this step calculates the hierarchical relationship betwewen our contigs based on a variety of parameters.

anvi-merge *ANVIO_PROFILE/PROFILE.db -o MERGED-SAMPLES -c anvio-contigs.db --enforce-hierarchical-clustering

Now we can visualize our data!

anvi-interactive -p MERGED-SAMPLES/PROFILE.db -c anvio-contigs.db

Identifying and refining genome bins

First, let’s summarize the bin information for our data. This will produce a series of text-based output files detailing some statistics on our genome bins:

anvi-summarize -p MERGED-SAMPLES/PROFILE.db -c anvio-contigs.db -o SAMPLES-SUMMARY -C CONCOCT

Take a look at the output in SAMPLES-SUMMARY. What does it report?

Now you can visualize those data in the anvi’o style by simply adding the -C flag to the previous anvi-interactive command:

anvi-interactive -p MERGED-SAMPLES/PROFILE.db -c anvio-contigs.db -C CONCOCT

Now, we can actually refine the genome bins using anvi’o. This allows us to use human intuition and pattern recognition to better identify contigs that should co-occur.

It is important that we make a copy of the original data so that we don’t accidentally overwrite it. So make a copy of the directory:


Now, let’s refine a bin! Let’s start with Bin_4.

anvi-refine -p MERGED-SAMPLES/PROFILE.db -c anvio-contigs.db -b Bin_4 -C CONCOCT

Finally, it is time to interact with the anvi’o interface. Here are some screenshots to help guide you in your quest.

And of course a big thank you to Meren for providing us with extra materials to help create this tutorial!

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