Environmental Metagenomics Workshop =================================== 26 - 29 September 2017 at CICESE -------------------------------- *Instructors: Harriet Alexander, Phil Brooks, and C. Titus Brown* These are the online materials for the environmental metagenomics workshop run at [CICESE](http://www.cicese.edu.mx/). We will be using HackMD to take collective notes throughout the course. If you wish to add to or follow along the [HackMD can be found here](https://hackmd.io/BwdgnArApgJgDANgLRQcAjEgLFARhJXGSJAJgGYYQFT0oAzYWoA=). ### Schedule #### Tuesday, Day 1: ##### Morning * [Welcome!](welcome.html) * [Logging onto an instance through Amazon Web Services (AWS)](aws-ssh/index.html) * [Working on the command line](command-line.html) ##### Lunch ##### Afternoon * [Command line blast](running-command-line-blast.html) ##### Homework * Read the [Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation (CAMI) Paper](http://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2017/01/09/099127.full.pdf); * Read [Hu et al. 2016](http://mbio.asm.org/content/7/1/e01669-15.abstract). This is the paper from which we pulled all of our sample data. #### Wednesday, Day 2: ##### Morning * Metagenomic workflows and considerations * [Evaluating short-read quality](quality.html) * [Assembling your short read data set with MEGAHIT](assemble.html) * [A brief discussion of workflows & repeatability](workflows.html) ##### Lunch ##### Afternoon * [Evaluating your assemblies](assembly-evaluation.html) #### Thursday, Day 3: ##### Morning * [Mapping short reads to the assembly](mapping.html) *time permitting* * [Sourmash compare](sourmash_compare.html) * Discussion of CAMI paper ##### Lunch ##### Afternoon * [Annotating your assembly with Prokka](prokka_tutorial.html) * [Quantifying abundance across samples with Salmon](salmon_tutorial.html) #### Friday, Day 4: ##### Morning * [Taxonomic classification with sourmash gather](sourmash_gather.html) * [Binning genomes out of your metagenome](binning.html) ##### Lunch ##### Afternoon * [Putting it all together with Anvi'o](anvio.html) Resources: [SEQ Answers](http://seqanswers.com/) [Biostars](https://www.biostars.org/) [Data Carpentry](http://www.datacarpentry.org/) [DIB Summer Institute](http://ivory.idyll.org/dibsi/) ### Undone See [the complete table of contents](toc.html) ### Technical information The github repository for this workshop is public at https://github.com/ngs-docs/2017-ucsc-metagenomics