************************************************** Log into your instance from a Mac or Linux machine ************************************************** You'll need to do two things: first, set the permissions on ``amazon-key.pem``:: chmod og-rwx ~/Downloads/amazon-key.pem Then, ssh into your new machine using your key:: ssh -i ~/Downloads/amazon-key.pem -l ubuntu MACHINE_NAE where you should replace MACHINE_NAME with the public IP or hostname of your EC2 instance, which is located at the top of the host information box (see screenshot below). It should be something like ```` or ``ec2-XXX-YYY.amazonaws.com``. Here are some screenshots! Change permissions and execute ssh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. thumbnail:: images/boot-10.png :width: 20% Successful login ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. thumbnail:: images/boot-11.png :width: 20% Host information box - MACHINE_NAME location ============================================ .. thumbnail:: images/boot-9.png :width: 20% ---- Logging in is the starting point for most of the follow-on tutorials. For example, you can now install and run software on your EC2 instance. Go back to the top page to continue: :doc:`index`