************************************** Start an Amazon Web Services computer: ************************************** This page shows you how to create a new "AWS instance", or a running computer. ---- Start at the Amazon Web Services console (http://aws.amazon.com/ and sign in to the console). 0. Select "EC2 - virtual servers in the cloud" ============================================== .. thumbnail:: images/boot-0.png :width: 20% 1. Switch to zone US West (N California) ======================================== .. thumbnail:: images/boot-1.png :width: 20% 2. Click on "Launch instance." ============================== 3. Select "Community AMIs." =========================== .. thumbnail:: images/boot-2.png :width: 20% 4. Search for ami-05384865 (ubuntu-wily-15.10-amd64-server) =========================================================== Use ami-05384865. .. thumbnail:: images/boot-3.png :width: 20% 5. Click on "Select." ===================== 6. Choose m4.xlarge. ==================== .. thumbnail:: images/boot-4.png :width: 20% 7. Click "Review and Launch." ============================= 8. Click "Launch." ================== .. thumbnail:: images/boot-5.png :width: 20% 9. Select "Create a new key pair." ================================== Note: you only need to do this the first time you create an instance. If you know where your amazon-key.pem file is, you can select 'Use an existing key pair' here. But you can always create a new key pair if you want, too. If you have an existing key pair, go to step 12, "Launch instance." .. thumbnail:: images/boot-6.png :width: 20% 10. Enter name 'amazon-key'. ============================ 11. Click "Download key pair." ============================== 12. Click "Launch instance." ============================ 13. Select View instances (lower right) ======================================= .. thumbnail:: images/boot-8.png :width: 20% 14. Bask in the glory of your running instance ============================================== Note that for your instance name you can use either "Public IP" or "Public DNS". Here, the machine only has a public IP. .. thumbnail:: images/boot-9.png :width: 20% You can now :doc:`login-shell` or :doc:`configure-firewall`.