=========================================================== Logging into your instance "in the cloud" (Windows version) =========================================================== You'll need the .ppk file from the hackmd, and the hostname from the spreadsheet, to log in. Logging into your EC2 instance with Putty ========================================= Open up putty, and enter your hostname into the Host Name box. .. image:: images/win-putty-1.png :width: 50% ---- Now, go find the 'SSH' section and enter your ppk file (generated above by puttygen). Then select 'Open'. ---- .. image:: images/win-putty-2.png :width: 50% ---- Log in as "ubuntu". .. image:: images/win-putty-3.png :width: 50% ---- Declare victory! .. image:: images/win-putty-4.png :width: 50% ---- Here, you're logging in as user 'ubuntu' to the machine 'ec2-174-129-122-189.compute-1.amazonaws.com' using the authentication key located in 'cicese.ppk' on your Desktop. (Your key will be named 'cicese.ppk', and your hostname will be the one in the spreadsheet.) You should now see a text line that starts with something like ``ubuntu@ip-10-235-34-223:~$``. You're in! Now type:: sudo bash cd /root to switch into superuser mode (see: http://xkcd.com/149/) and go to your home directory. This is where the rest of the tutorials will start! To log out, type:: exit logout or just close the window.